What does corrupted hive do? Do we control it?
What does corrupted hive do? Do we control it?
Being a bit trolly
I could tell you some of those things, and even how to make it, but I don't want to. I want to keep some secrets for research, I don't want to spoil the fun.
That's fine, but if we can grow our own queen and hive why does that never happen?
How to get all rare combined properties -
Defibrillating = MST + cardiopeutic
Thanatometabolising = hypoxemic + cryometabolising + neurocryogenic
Hyperdensifying = MST + BNM + carcinogenic
Hyperthrottling = psychostimulating + hallucinogenic
Neuroshielding = alcoholic + balding
Anti addictive = psychostimulating + antihallucinogenic
Addictive = psychostimulating + neurotoxic
Pred ciphering = ciphering + XMB
Karl Karlsson, the man (and sometimes Captain)Timeline :
Maxwell, the synth
Enhath'vot Guan-Dha, the predator
Also a feature Coder & CM's Maintainer Team Manager
[CENTER]Retired Synth councilman, forever a member of IO gang
Transmit costs can be pre-calculated by adding up the costs of all the positive and negative traits.
Minimum transmit cost is 3 points. Tranmits will earn 2 points when discovered and scanned next round.
If the transmit cost is between 3 and 5, it will be generated as C1
If the transmit cost is between 6 and 9, it will be generated as C2
Any higher, and it will be generated but you will never be able to find it as plants only grab C1 and C2 chemicals.
Maximum levels on transmits are limited by your current clearance level, but do not necessarily correlate to the clearance level of the drug. eg: MST8 EMB2 requires level 5 clearance to transmit, but is actually only a C1 chem (4 points)
Some properties break when you transmit, and you need to amplify/suppress/relate to reactivate them.
Always transmit as much as you can, to make the next researchers day easier. Pray that they know what they are doing, maybe link a researcher guide for them even.
the minimum clearance for legendary properties to appear is C3
C3 and C4 chemicals almost always require alien blood products to make, don't bother purchasing them if marines have been stingy.
setting the turing up to make 450u of mutagen at a time can save you some clicks and let the other researcher use the chemmaster energy for other stuff
autoinjectors fit into vial boxes and can be filled in the centrifuges, but are a massive bottleneck to drug distribution and complicate logistics a lot
pills can be individually labelled so marines know what is inside them. You can click the pill icon on the chemmaster thing to change the pill sprite. check your bottles and pick something different!
marines can also fill flasks from reagent tanks, useful it you want them to be able to micro dose 5u at a time (ultrazine)
The plant bag fits in your pocket, and beakers fit into the medical load rig
Extra bluespace beakers can be printed for the low price of three glass sheets each
some negative properties are fairly benign, and can be used to make effective drugs more cheaply. All these drugs cost the same to transmit and keep rolling and can be deployed out of the box with little/no modification:
MST5 Paining 2 (basically, runner blood)
NGN3 ACR5 VIS5 (expensive to synthesize. Medigel. As good as keloderm and tribicard combined)
MST5 NST5 EMB5 Hypothermic 2 (burns fast, makes you a bit colder, but nice potencies)
NGN5 ACR5 BNM3 HLG5 Paining 5 Hyperthermic 2 (hurts quite a bit, makes you feverish and makes you see rainbows, but is 2.5x better than bicard and just as potent as keloderm)
EMB5 Hypotherm 4 DFB1 BNM4 HGN1 (makes you freezing cold, repairs bone, defibs at -150 and heals all damage, even to organs, slowly)
ADT5 MST5 NST4 PNK5 HLG5 (heavily addictive, makes you see rainbows and hallucinate things attacking you. potent stimulant and painkiller. PSYCHO!)
EXP5 CRN5 FLF1 NUT1 PST1 AOL1 (extremely carcinogenic, extremely explosive and EXTREMELY expensive to first synthesize. Nutritious saves whoever decides to drink it from too much genetic damage. Breaks on transmit, amplify different 0-cost traits to give it a good recipe and make it go boom again!)
some neutral/negative properties are total cancer and should be avoided
nutritious deletes your chemical after a few seconds and turns it into nutriment, for 0 points
alcoholic gives 0 points and makes whoever takes it incapable of walking anywhere and potentially comatose until the drug wears off
hyperthermic over 4? stuns the fuck out of you, slows and blinds you (its pepperspray)
hemogenetic over 3? causes you to swell like a blood balloon and die from blood overdose.
neurocryogenic will cause any marine using it to fall comatose until the duration is over.
addictive, any level will slow, stun and cause organ damage to marines who become addicted but are unable to get more (which happens after more than like, 1u dose). DO NOT USE unless confident you can maintain a continuous supply.
Make sure marines know if you are giving them the devils bargain aka addictive shit (and develop an anti addictive asap)
emetic causes vomiting which doesn't sound too bad but what it means is self stuns every few seconds.
fluxing removes implants
Last edited by Nimiety; 08-15-2021 at 02:42 PM.
Runners for the Runner Juicer
Runner plasma (Catechaloamine) can be harvested really quickly and is pretty decent as a ghetto stimulant while your co-worker tryes to produce something else.
- Get runner corpse (or lurker or woyer or dancer or ravager)
- Print out bluespace beakers from the medilathe
- Hook runner up to all four of your IVs and steal some medbay ones if you really want
- Set IVs to take blood (right click), insert bluespace beaker.
- Get a reagent tank from xenobio, when ivs are full remove the beakers and use the chemmaster to remove acid vlood.
- Fill the reagent tank with the catechaloamine plasma -- one harvest of 6 IVs is 900u of runner juice
- Get metal flasks from briefing and fill with runner juice, or drag the container to the FOB and ask req to send some.
Runner juice is MST 6 which makes you as speedy as with most research stims, but there is no NST or NRS to save you from stuns. Need hivelord juice for the NST (all stuns)and sentinel juice for the NRS (anti-neuro)